Setting up your single Word page for all assignments.

You will post all your work in one document for this class, which will be automatically backed up. The easiest, and Normandale supported, way to do this is by using your Normandale Office 365 account with Word. Below are directions for how to set up your assignment document.

1. Use Office 365 (free as a student) for this class.

Navigate to

You will post all your work in one document for this class, which will be automatically backed up. The easiest, and Normandale supported, way to do this is by using your Normandale Office 365 account with Word. Below are directions for how to set up your assignment document.
Use Office 365 (free as a student) for this class.

2. Enter your email in this form:

It should look like .
Enter your email in this form:

3. Enter you password and then your multi-authentication code

For more on multifactor authentication, see
Enter you password and then your multi-authentication code

4. Open all Microsoft applications by clicking on the waffle

Open all Microsoft applications by clicking on the waffle
Open all Microsoft applications by clicking on the waffle

5. Open Microsoft Word

Open Microsoft Word
Open Microsoft Word

6. Create a new document

Create a new document
Create a new document

7. Title your document and then select “file”

Your document title should include your first and last name.
Title your document and then select file

8. Share your document

Share your document
Share your document

9. Select “Share with people”

Select Share with people
Select “Share with people”


11. Share with include your course and section number in the message

Please write your section in the message, otherwise I can’t give you credit for your work.
Share with include your course and section number in the message

Send link
Send link

13. Congratulations!

This is the only document you have to create for this class. There are no quizzes in D2L, or documents to upload. You will post all your work to this document.