Creating an assignment page with Google Docs

1. Login to

You will post all your work in one document for this class, which will be automatically backed up. Below are directions for how to set up your assignment document with Google.

You can also do this with Office 365, which is free and supported by Normandale.
Login to

2. Select “File”

Select File
Select “File”

3. Select “Share”

Select Share
Select “Share”

4. Name your document “Your name World History 1 [Your Section #] and select ”Save“
![Name your document ”Your name World History 1 [Your Section #] and select “Save”](steps-creating_an_assignment_page_with_google_docs/step_3.jpeg “Image of Google Docs web page”)

5. Share with

Please note, this is not my school email. I will not email you from this google account, and only use it to access google services.
Share with

6. Include “Your name World History 1 [Your section #]” in your message

Include Your name World History 1  in your message
Include “Your name World History 1 [Your section #]” in your message

7. “Editor” should be the default setting. Leave that so I can offer feedback on your learning.

Editor should be the default setting. Leave that so I can offer feedback on your learning.
“Editor” should be the default setting. Leave that so I can offer feedback on your learning.

8. Select “Send”

Select Send
Select “Send”