Experiment 15
For this week’s work, you will use a co-annotation tool called Hypothes.is.
NOTE PSEO students have reported their school-issued laptops flag hypothes.is as a security threat. You may need to contact your IT department to get them to approve the site. Hypothes.is is the leading social noting tool in academic. You can read more about them here.
For this weeks assignment:
- Create a hypothe.is account.
- Join the appropriate hypothes.is group-
- Review our primary source
- Find an additional, credible secondary or primary source that helps us understand our primary source and add that annotation to your hypothisis group. For example, I note that San Felice appears to be the parrish. A search reveals the the building of the church of San Felice still exists, though it is no longer used as a church. You can see San Felice’s geographic centrality in a map of Bologna. Whatever other evidence we have, this woman appears to work and know people in central Bologna, making her will a part of city history in addition to Black Death history.
- Be sure to save your hypothesi.is annotation the appropriate group, else I won’t be able to see it.
- Place a link to your hypothes.is annotation in our Experiment 15 discussion board.