World History 1 Lesson Plan Template

  1. Learning Goals and Grading Criteria

What should a student be able to do upon completion of your lesson? Each goal should be seperate and measureable. For example "Student demonstrated an understaning of the connection between trade networks and religious networks in the Indian Ocean" is good. Student understands trade" is hard to measure. Common learning goals include: Good learning goals often use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning

  • demonstrated understanding of this specific historical issue
  • analyzed the historical importance of idea, person, place, or object
  • wrote using standard English usage
  • correctly used tool X to do Y
  • correctly published, linked, or cited work
  • included and cited credible historical primary or secondary sources

Because each goal counts toward the grade, you should include more three but fewer than eight goals.

  1. Sources

Your group will have chosen two sources for your assignment. It’s a good idea to link to those sources again in your Lesson Plan.

  1. Specific, step-by-step instructions for how to do your Lesson Plan

This process will take time and require your combined skills to think through all the steps you need to include to guide a student through their lesson. The greater your use of a digital humanities tool, the more screen shots you’ll need to support your fellow students. Windows, Mac, and Chromebooks all have screen shot software

It’s best to label your steps with numbers (1,2,3) or letters (a,b,c).

  1. Close with specific instructions for you to submit their work.

Should a student post paragraphs in their Assignment file, post a link (double-checked to be sure it is published) in the Assignment file? All work needs to be submitted through the Assignment file, but what that looks like (link, image, video, sound, words) is up to you.