Bubonic Plague
Complete the following questions in complete sentences.
- Use this source below to complete the following questions https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/did-black-death-rampage-across-world-more-century-previously-thought-180977331/
- What is one thing you learned about Black Death, the pandemic that moved from Asia to Europe, which wiped out a good portion of the population in the places it touched?
- How is the Black Death and Covid-19 alike? What similarities do you see? How are they different?
- Use this source below to complete the following questions
https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/08/18/542435991/those-iconic-images-of-the-plague-thats-not-the-plague- What are two common things you noticed in the first couple of pictures?
- Most people didn’t really understand what the Black Death was. They got it confused with many other diseases or plagues that were well known in this time. So what did the Black Death really look like for people who experienced it?
- Use this source below to complete the following questions
https://www.npr.org/2021/07/06/1012490871/how-a-medieval-city-dealing-with-the-black-death-invented-quarantine- Where was quarantine first used or invented? What punishment would people get if they didn’t listen to the quarantine rules?
- How did they improvise the first set of quarantines? In other words, what did they do/ place people in?