Appetizer- Face to Face Class

Summary: Relate one of your sources (readings, images, objects, maps, or videos) for this week to a contemporary source that you’ve encountered.

Learning Goals-

  • Student will:
  1. Demonstrate their understanding a historical source by relating that source to a modern source.
  2. Include citations for both the historical source and modern source at the bottom of their post.
  3. Demonstrate college-level writing usage through punctuation, capitalization, and appropriate langauge usage.

Grading Criteria

  • Each "Learning Goal" is worth 3.33 points, for 10 points total.
  • Feedback will be posted in your Assignment file under your Appetizer post.
  • Grades can be viewed in D2L under "Assessment – Grades"


Send me an email or bring your questions to class.


I recently read how Bangledesh is facing the increased risk of river and coastal flooding due the climate change in a New York Times article titled "Here’s a Look at the Water Crises That Might Be Coming to You Soon." In our reading on "Sacred Flow," the author Nick Middleton discusses how ancient socieites, such as ancient India, considered rivers to be religiously important. He wrote "The rivers are often thought of as the veins in the earth’s body, and many specific places along a river’s course are particularly sacred, including the source, mouth, and confluences." After reading that, I wondered how flooding might influence the symbolism or religious practice of those living around rivers. In the Times. . . article, it mentions that local farmers worked to protect their crops even during Eid al Fitr, a significant Muslim holiday when work is often suspended. I wondered to what extent the predictability of river flooding influenced the symbols or metaphors peoples in pre-1400 CE Bangledesh used? Much as cancer patients must often confront that their body is attacking itself, I wonder how flood victims who treat the river as sacred conceptualized those floods? I suspect later readings this semester will help me better understand this question.