Dessert: Reflecting on your Learning

In your Dessert assignment, write a reflection about what you have learned this week. Here are some questions to consider in writing your Reflection.

  • What new skills do you have, what new historical knowledge, or what metacognition (learning how to learn) have you developed?
  • Evaluate your own work for the week. What parts of your work do you think were strong and which parts could be improved?
  • What questions did this week raise for you about the past?
  • How might you use what you learned this week in your career?
  • How is life, work, or family supporting or challenging your learning?
  • What challenges do you face this week with regard to your learning and how do you respond to those challenges.

Your reflection should be a paragraph written in complete sentences, with standard punctuation, capitalization. Answer the questions that are most important to you each week, not all the questions.

Good faith efforts will receive full credit. Short or unedited reflections will receive 60% credit.

First Dessert Only

Introduce yourself to me. What was not captured in the get to know you form. Topics might include greater details about your future work, your current work, you motivations and challenges, or your outside interests that shape your work learning experience.

Consider this model:

The Appetizer assignment really challenged me to review my notes from this week’s readings. I thought I had taken good notes, but my notes were so simple that I found myself re-reading a ton of the sources. That took more time than I wanted it to. After rereading the source, I find that, like the Han dynasty, I think a lot about road conditions because I live on a street with terrible potholes. Mapping poor road conditions with GIS wasn’t something I had considered before, but I know MN DOT does that, so it makes sense previous governments did as well. I wonder how much road conditions in ancient China were influenced by the dynastic government how much by local governments? My dream job is working for a state department of natural resources, and most departments of natural resources use GIS, so I’m glad I learned it. I’m looking forward to the new COVID boosters in September because my grandma has cancer and is immunocompromised and disease causes more stress in my family than for some families. I try not to let the stress interfere with my school work. I appreciated that Mohammed shared in small group how he also was stressed about caring for his family: it made me feel like I was not the only one stressed about family issues.