Create an Interactive Timeline

This lesson will teach you how to place events into a timeline using a spreadsheet and embed code.

Learning objectives:

  1. Log into a google account.

  2. Open a google spreadsheet.

  3. Enter data into spreadsheet.

  4. Export data to Knight Timelab

  5. Publish your timeline to D2L.

1. Go to the Knight Lab timeline website.

2. Open a google account in separate tab.

If you do not have a google account, you may use our common account.

Username: commonnormandalehistory

Password: clio1968

3. Click on “Make a Timeline”

Follow directions on the screen for how to make a timeline.

  1. Your timeline should have four points.

  2. Your timeline should reflect four primary sources (artwork, manuscripts, poems, letters, everyday objects) that address Mughal/British India and Edo (Tokagawa) Japan from credible websites.

  3. Your timeline should include a picture (with citation) that is relevant to the event you listed.

Post your timeline to the relevant discussion on D2L.

Click on the box with multiple icons (see arrow) to allow you to post embed code.

Drop your copied iframe code into the embed code box and preview.